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Program Promosi Ramadhan Enduro 2012

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Bengkel-Enduro.blogspot.com. Menyambut ramadhan 2012 Pertamina Lubricant melalui mengeluarkan promosi untuk Enduro Gear dan Racing bonus sarung dan sajadah.
Promo berlaku dari 26 Juli 2012 - 3 Agustus 2012 dan berlaku kelipatannya.

Pelumas Wajib SNI dan Teregistrasi di DESDM

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Apakah anda memperhatikan botol oli anda ?
Seharusnya tertera no. registrasi Dep. ESDM (Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral).

Sebagai sales agen Pertamina yang kadang melihat botol oli/additif merek lain masih ada yang belum mempunyai no. registrasi ESDM. Sehingga bisa dikatakan "masuk secara ilegal" alias tidak resmi.

Enduro Racing bonus Enduro Matic dan Gear

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Bengkel-Enduro.blogspot.com. Untuk memulai kebaikan di bulan penuh rahmat Pertamina melalui agen Maiza Lubrika - Surabaya memberikan promo berupa "beli satu dapat empat".

Mulai tanggal 20 Juli 2012 - 20 Agustus 2012 pembelian Enduro Racing tiga (3) botol akan mendapatkan bonus berupa: 1 botol enduro matic 0,8L + 2 botol enduro gear 120mL.

Tender Pertamina: Wanted Domestic Tanker Build

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PT. Pertamina (Perseroan Terbatas = Limited Company) will offer procurement of six tankers with a capacity of 17,500 units of dead weight tonnage with a value of US $ 180 millions in the national shipbuilding industry at second semester in 2012.

Suhartoko, Deputy Director of the Company Directorate of Shipping Commerce PT. Pertamina, said the procurement of the six ships have a green light from the board of directors of PT. Pertamina.

He believes the project could be absorbed entirely in the domestic shipbuilding industry considering the availability shipyard capacity installed nationwide.

"The priority is the domestic shipbuilding industry when shipyard space and human resource is still available." he said.

Later, he said the ship will be used to transport the company's crude oil or other petroleum fuels.

Procurement that six tanker unit is part of Pertamina strategy to increase sharing of the vessel ownership that have been operated in order to balance with ship leased from third parties.

However, Suhartoko asked domestic industry should be improve the performance of delivery time given considering average delivery of vessels that were ordered in 2009 delayed about 3-4 months.

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